Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where the heck have I BEEN???

I am BACK!

I apologize for the lengthy hiatus on this lovely, yet way neglected blog. It's been a terribly busy month, and I won't go into the gory details of it all, but it started with my computer having the digital equivalent of a stroke. I was just getting ready to put up my (Canadian) thanksgiving blog post when the "left arm went numb". Here's the lovely illustration that would have greeted you way back when. Now you may apply it to American thanksgiving!

Anyhow, after weeks of trying to revive my second generation iMac G5 I officially called the time of death on Monday, November 2nd, at 5:45 PM. May it rest in peace.

I was able to go through the grieving process quite quickly, as two days later a new computer came into my home and filled the hole in my heart with all it's 27 inches. Oh, beautiful, beautiful, humongous iMac. How deep and hard I have fallen for you.

Although it seems all I've been doing is fretting about my computer woes, I actually had a very busy 4 weeks while away from the world of blogging. I figure that I'll split it into personal and professional over two posts as I don't want to overload your senses. So first, the personal.

Aside from Canadian thanksgiving, I celebrated the beginning of my last year of my 20's on the 14th of October. I was spoiled with lovely flowers, bellinis, bunny busts, and swimming gear. I also did some spoiling myself, as Ronaldo helped me make a big spread of homemade Italian dinner and appetizer fare for my nearest and dearests. All in all, a lovely way to ring in my 29th year.

My sister, Martha, came up a week later to take me to a lovely concert at Massey Hall. It was David Gray, who I am not all that familiar with, but loved all the same. In fact, I found my newest obsession that night- his opener, Lisa Hannigan! Her music was amazing- relaxing, sweet, adorable, and her voice is just lovely. Aside from some mega jerks who sat in front of us (David Gray had to stop the show to tell them to get off their phones because it was distracting!) our second row seats were mind blowing!

A week after THAT was Halloween!! It's one of my favourite holidays, and Ronaldo and I went all out.

He was Ash from the Evil Dead movies...

...and I was a flapper girl! We are too cool for matching costumes!

We went out to a 60's revival night with our friends Pat and Terrence (anyone seen the TV show Extras?) and had a blast. I was a big fan of Ronaldo's homemade hand chainsaw and particularly his shot gun!

The next day, as hung over as hell, we went to see this year's tour of Cirque De Soleil, Ovo. It was my birthday present from Ronaldo, and I was totally mesmerized the whole time. I have never seen anything like it! Even the tents were impressive!

So, that is half of the fun you missed while I was neglectful. Next post I will highlight the work I've done and what's happening in the world of tea towels.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

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