Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Chemistry Experiment: Halt in Phase two and "Panique Au Village"

I'm looking out my window this morning and I feel like Marty McFly- have I gone back to the summer? I'm going to try to make this blog entry short so I can get out and enjoy the pseudo summer day! This week is one of those weeks where balance between day work, social, and night work was off. Instead of working on my blog (sorry!) and business, I ate a lot of birthday cake. A lot. Three, in fact. Anyone who eats three birthday cakes in one week naturally moves a bit slower and therefore gets less done. All were delicious, and worth it. I was also furiously trying to finish my book club book, The girl with the dragon tattoo, for my meeting. I was a little bummed that I didn't spend as much time on my big project, but I'll make up for it next week. I did make a little progress- I signed up for the craft sale that I intend to debut my tea towels. This means that now I can't turn back. No worries- I don't want to anyhow! Also, I've sent out the surveys to my testers, and have already received feedback from one! I'm looking forward to assessing and comparing them once they're all in!

One hang up continues to plague me is the fabric ink for my Print Gocco that I intend to use to screen print two of the three tea towels in each set. I ordered it on etsy at the beginning of September from a lady in Australia and I'm not even sure she has sent it to me yet. Anyhow, I'm now referring to it as "the case of the missing gocco ink" and am hoping to solve the mystery sooner than later. In the mean time, I'm working on some extra special tester towels for some extra special testers. Stay tuned.

This week in Toronto the Toronto International Film Festival has been taking place. As I live in the heart of the city, I like to try to see at least one movie every year. This year, as I was browsing the listings, I found a film called A Town Called Panic, or Panique Au Village. I knew immediately that this was the film for me. The image accompanying the synopsis was a plastic horse, cowboy, and indian reading the newspaper and drinking coffee in a living room. Holy moly! Last night was the screening...

Oh. My. Gosh.

It was absolutely charming, cute and hilarious!! I LOVED it! It ends up that the movie is based on a TV series from Belgium that, if the you tube information is right, has been around since 2002. I am so happy that I know about it now! Please, go have a peek at the greatness here. The producer and writer, who spoke after the screening last night, said that although the TV series has been translated into English, the French voices are more hilarious. If it comes into wide release I highly recommend it.

Now, go outside and enjoy your weekend!

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